Ulli Weichert/ Oktober 18, 2021/ IT-Security, Write-Ups/ 0Kommentare

Body Count

Points 10

Task Description

One of our employees, Jimmie Castora, kept database backups on his computer. DEADFACE compromised his computer and leaked a portion of the database. Can you figure out how many customers are in the database? We want to get ahead of this and inform our customers of the breach.

Submit the flag as flag{#}. For example, flag{12345}.

Getting Flag

Because we was provided with the databasedump, first try was to import the dump into my mariadb-service to use SQL-Queries instead of cat-ing or sed-ing around 🙂
But this was a mysql 8.0 dump and because of that, we got some errors about unkown format.

So I changes that encoding to a mariadb friendly one with the following command:
sed -i 's/utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci/utf8mb4_unicode_ci/g' demonne.sql
Now we can import the dump with our prefered technique, I like to use soure from the mysql prombt.

After that, just count the customer:
select count(cust_id) as NumberOfCustomer from customers;

Further info

I have created a picture of the database structure by using dbeaver, so it is a littlebit easier to get a better understanding for the next tasks 🙂

DB Structure

Image of the DB Structure

Ah - I just forgot the Flag:


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Über Ulli Weichert

2004 fing Ulli bei der Bundeswehr als Ausbilder und IT-Spezialist an. 2011 hat Ulli eine Umschulung zum Fachinformatiker für Systemintegration absolviert und sich auf Linux spezialisiert. 2016 hat Ulli dann bei einem mittelständischem Unternehmen, welches Kunden in ganz Deutschland betreut, als Linuxadministrator angefangen und kümmert sich seither nebst, Netzwerk, Security, Firewall, Storage überwiegend um Linuxthemen aller Art. Seit kurzem hat auch Ihn das Thema Container und k8s erwischt.

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