BSides Jeddah CTF 2021: Category pcap / Writeup

Marco Schmidt/ Oktober 28, 2021/ IT-Security, Write-Ups/ 0Kommentare

BSides-Jeddah-CTF Writeups to the BSides Jeddah CTF – 2021 Situation – BSides Jeddah BSides Jeddah is coming up with a blueteam flavored CTF this year hosted by CyberDefenders. This will be a Jeopardy-style intermediate CTF with a few harder challenges, including network analysis, memory forensics, and malicious document analysis. To get latest updates, follow us on twitter @JeddahBsides , @CyberDefenders.


DEADFACE CTF 2021: Steganography8 – Syncopated Beat / Writeup

Marco Schmidt/ Oktober 26, 2021/ IT-Security, Write-Ups/ 0Kommentare

Syncopated Beat Points 300 Description We know there’s a hidden message somewhere here, but none of our steg tools are able to reveal it. Maybe we need to think outside the box? It is a well-known fact that demons sometimes hide messages in music. Demons speak lyrics to the musicians, and the demons insinuate their evil messages into the song.


DEADFACE CTF 2021: Steganography9 – Spectres / Writeup

Marco Schmidt/ Oktober 26, 2021/ IT-Security, Write-Ups/ 0Kommentare

Spectres Points 450 Description We intercepted this image from a suspected insider threat at De Monne Financial. It looks like parts of the image were cut out, but based on conversations between DEADFACE and the insider, we believe DEADFACE’s wallet address is hidden in this image. Image Getting the flag Take the picture to -> Just read the flag

Weiterlesen CTF 2021 – Write-Up

Marco Schmidt/ Mai 17, 2021/ IT-Security, Write-Ups/ 0Kommentare

The Dragonsec Security Team hosted their first CTF this year: Here is our write-up: The solved challenges: Julius‘ ancient script: Given was a simple string, the hint is in the name of the challenge -> Caesar Chiffre. The solution was to use a custom alphabet (adding 0123456789 to the shift). I used to solve it. Leak Spin: Not
