Über Ulli Weichert

2004 fing Ulli bei der Bundeswehr als Ausbilder und IT-Spezialist an. 2011 hat Ulli eine Umschulung zum Fachinformatiker für Systemintegration absolviert und sich auf Linux spezialisiert. 2016 hat Ulli dann bei einem mittelständischem Unternehmen, welches Kunden in ganz Deutschland betreut, als Linuxadministrator angefangen und kümmert sich seither nebst, Netzwerk, Security, Firewall, Storage überwiegend um Linuxthemen aller Art. Seit kurzem hat auch Ihn das Thema Container und k8s erwischt.

DEADFACE CTF 2022 // SQL Challenges

Ulli Weichert/ Oktober 17, 2022/ IT-Security, Write-Ups/ 0Kommentare

SQL Challenges Like last year, there were several SQL Challenges that build on each other and whose solutions are discussed below. Prepare SQL To work with the SQL files we suggest to import the backup into a MySQL DBMS, so you can connect to the database and select the infos out of it 🙂 I used a maria-db docker container.


EZ-CTF2022 / OSINT – Limo

Ulli Weichert/ Mai 9, 2022/ IT-Security, Write-Ups/ 0Kommentare

Limo 190 points Solves: 95 Medium Find this limo and tell us how many side windows it has Flag format: EZ-CTF{Name_of_the_Band_Number_Windows} Example: EZ-CTF{Duran_Duran_163_Windows} Solving We’ve got this strange picture of to women behind the challenge name given limo. After feeding yandex.com with this picture, I found some results pointing to the music video for a song from the band Aphex


EZ-CTF2022 / OSINT – Hue is this?

Ulli Weichert/ Mai 9, 2022/ IT-Security, Write-Ups/ 0Kommentare

Hue is This? 170 points Solves: 82 Medium I think you need to do a -180 turn to find her name and the song. Flag Format: EZ-CTF{Her_Name_And_The_7th_Song_In_The_Album} Solving Okay a good old osint challenge. I uploaded the image on yandex.com and was able to find the correct image. It is an album cover for the goa album Rock Bitch Mafia


EZ-CTF2022 / OSINT – American

Ulli Weichert/ Mai 9, 2022/ IT-Security, Write-Ups/ 0Kommentare

American 150 points Solves: 129 Easy Find the Gallery, find Mr. Gud, find the cow. Flag format: EZ-CTF{Mr_Gud_Full_Name_Cow_Painting_Name} Solving The given image is from James Ayers and is called The Rebellious One. But this is not what we are looking for, because we look for the name of Mr. Gud and a cow painting. So if you look further into


EZ-CTF2022 / MISC – Wavie Wave

Ulli Weichert/ Mai 7, 2022/ IT-Security, Write-Ups/ 0Kommentare

Wavie Wave solved 200 points Solves: 146 Medium What the hell is this sound that got into my "Chill Bird Vibes Vol XXI" mixtape? https://a.tmp.ninja/oLAHFlds.zip Flag format: EZ-CTF{FULL_MESSAGE} Solving Let’s have a look at the spectogram of this wave file. Maybe there is something hidden 🙂 EZ-CTF{KNOW_YOUR_SPECTOGRAAAAMS}

EZ-CTF2022 / Cryptography – No Kidding

Ulli Weichert/ Mai 7, 2022/ IT-Security, Write-Ups/ 0Kommentare

No Kidding 70 points Solves: 209 Easy No Other Kids Invent Anything like this…lol Flag Format EZ-CTF{WHATEVER_THE_MESSAGE_IS_ALL_CAPS} Solving This looks like Multi-tap or something similar… let’s just use the numbers and see what happens. I’ll use dcode.fr for this. 8/44/444/7777\\\444/7777\\\8/44/33\\\555/2/6/33/7777/8\\\222/8/333\\\333/555/2/4\\\33/888/33/33/33/33/777 T H I S\\I S\\T H E\\L A M E S T\\C T F\\F L A G\\E V E E
