More Sense
60 points
Solves: 123 Easy
This is too easy!
You will make more sense of it in no time!
File: Morse Sense.txt
A quick look at the message and I knew I was f.... lost. A long time I was banging my head against a wall.
Because a quick lookup (cipher identifier) just told me...
This is Baconian Cipher
Oh thanks... no it is not!
After some googling research I thought... lets change the character.. maybe it is binary or - wait...
Is it morse code?
Let's try something:
cat More\ Sense.txt| tr "B" - | tr "A" .
-- ----- .-. ... ...-- ..--.- -.-- ----- ..- .-. ..--.- .-- ....- -.-- ..--.- ----- ..- --... ..--.- ----- ..-. ..--.- .... ...-- .-. ...--
Okay let's send this to a morse code - decoder. Oh lord - it is morse code :-).
So this should be our flag: