EZ-CTF2022 / MISC – Wavie Wave

Ulli Weichert/ Mai 7, 2022/ IT-Security, Write-Ups/ 0Kommentare

Wavie Wave solved 200 points Solves: 146 Medium What the hell is this sound that got into my "Chill Bird Vibes Vol XXI" mixtape? https://a.tmp.ninja/oLAHFlds.zip Flag format: EZ-CTF{FULL_MESSAGE} Solving Let’s have a look at the spectogram of this wave file. Maybe there is something hidden 🙂 EZ-CTF{KNOW_YOUR_SPECTOGRAAAAMS}

picoCTF 2022: Crypto – Morse Code

Ulli Weichert/ April 3, 2022/ IT-Security, Write-Ups/ 0Kommentare

morse-code Description Morse code is well known. Can you decrypt this? Download the file here. Wrap your answer with picoCTF{}, put underscores in place of pauses, and use all lowercase. Solving The soundfile is a morse code You could either translate it by your self with the morse alphabet or use this link Change all characters to lowercase and replace


K3RN3L CTF 2021: Kiddie Pool – 3in1 / Writeup

Ulli Weichert/ November 14, 2021/ hacking, IT-Security, Write-Ups/ 0Kommentare

3in1 Description Like Nescafeeeee! Attachments https://ctf.k3rn3l4rmy.com/kernelctf-distribution-challs/nescafeee/AES.py Todos To decrypt the string in the given AES.py script (String is in scriptfile as a comment). from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Hash import SHA256 f = open('progress.txt', 'r') password = ("abda") hash_obj = SHA256.new(password.encode('utf-8')) hkey = hash_obj.digest() def encrypt(info): msg = info BLOCK_SIZE = 16 PAD = "{" padding = lambda s: s
